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A good sign I think but writing each day has become difficult since I’m finally feeling like myself!  I’m now on my meds for the depression symptoms and it’s been about 7 days and I have renewed energy (by today, 7 days later).  I’m back to my usual go go go self that jumps from one activity to another, with even a bit more energy than the “old” me.  The old me would push and push myself even though I would feel tired, the new me doesn’t even feel tired when doing more high energy things like my yard work.  In the past 7 days I’ve done a ton of yard work with Kirk including planting my wedding pumpkins and sunflowers, I’ve gone state side shopping for an engagement dress (for our pictures Sunday), celebrated my older foster son’s 16th Birthday twice this week, taken my Mom to medical appointments and got my nails done again (for our pictures).  Tomorrow I get to pack and have a mini kid and hubby vacation in Calabogie!

Our big pre-wedding party is Sunday where all friends and family directly involved gets to meet one another and we (weather permitted) will visit the wedding site and have my photographer friend/co-worker (and wedding photographer) take our engagement pictures and the other guests family pictures.  I pray for good weather! So, given the events coming up, yard work has stolen all of my time! My Family and Children’s Services retreat in Calabogie is from Thursday night until Friday night where one rep from management and the Foster Family Association Presidents meet (about 25 people) from all near by CAS’ then race home to finish the last details for Sunday’s get together.  Some special things going on Saturday too but that’s a secret for now.

After this week (and the last part of it is a busy one) I only have one more week off of work.  At least I’m dreading it a bit less than a week ago.

So, depression seems to be better under control and my weight as of today finally moved down 2lbs after hovering at 260lbs for 2 weeks.  Weight loss stalling is common but this was a first for me.  I just kept telling myself that 40lbs in 5 weeks was great success and there was no need to worry.  I was told that counting calories wasn’t necessary but after my 2 week weight stall, I recently decided to.  I’m ranging (in two days) between 1300 and 1100.  The old me was likely 2500 or more a day.  I rarely have sugar (that isn’t natural like in fruit) and have not had anything fast food or greasy like chips or fried foods which are two important rules.  The Ottawa weight loss clinic doesn’t expect us to calorie count, just follow rules like I mentioned and focus on eating proteins then veggies before our tummy’s get full.  I think it’s been one and a half weeks since I’ve had to deal with throwing up!  It’s usually a daily occurrence for me to feel sharp pain (although brief) in my left shoulder during eating (it’s a cue of being full) but this is tolerable and quickly gone.  I’m happy that hair loss or quality of nails hasn’t been a factor (which should suggest that I’m getting enough protein into me).

So, I may just log on once a week OR I’ll pop on when I can, I’ve not decided yet.  Generally speaking, things are going very good compared to the many complications I’ve had to face in the past!

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