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Enough time has passed since my surgery that I’m not logging each days events, instead blogging about events that seem noteworthy.

I am sure I mentioned that I bought myself a FITBIT Flex, a device that is worn on your wrist and monitors many things, including steps taken in a day, high energy steps, calories burned, calories eaten, water intake and you can add friends and compete with their daily steps and goals.  I LOVE IT! (Bought online at BestBuy.ca and delivered in 3 days!)  Twice since I’ve owned this I found myself climbing out of bed because I had just realized that my daily step goal was so very close to being achieved that I walked the steps or went on the treadmill!  Your first pre-set goals of daily steps are 5000 and once you achieve that, it shoots up to 10,000 and tonight I broke the 15,000 mark!  The device also sets for you a goal of 3.5 hours a week of high energy/activity level exercise am I’m close at achieving that as well!  I believe since Monday, I’ve done purposeful (treadmill or outdoor walking for exercise) every single day except one.  My favourite walking place has been near Erin’s house (best friend), on back quiet country roads complete with wild flowers and creepy old abandoned houses!  Tomorrow my hoped accomplishment is to walk from my home to the town of Odessa.  I’m expecting that the return walk might be too much at this point so I’ve got my “mommy” heading to Odessa to pick me up once I’m in town.

The old me did do purposeful exercise in the past, once with the aid of a dietitian and the YMCA, attending 3 to 4 times a week for about 45mins to an hour each visit and in those 3 months, I could only loose 7lbs.  I don’t think it’s fair to label me with an impatient attitude, but 7lbs in 3 months was far too little gain for the degree of sacrifices I was making (which also included calorie counting/eating healthy too).  The difference now is that with the aid of the surgery, my appetite and my own choices around food is excellent, rarely ever having me eat more than 1000 calories a day, usually 800 even though I’ve set a goal for 1300 daily, I simply can’t get that into me.  I can see results on the scale and now see results on my FITBIT and all the math makes sense.  I’m also motivated by my wedding date quickly approaching and the need for a new or newly altered wedding dress.  I am officially at 60lbs lost and can’t wait for the scale to have the number “3” on it, as in 239!

So, Google FITBIT flex and give it some thought, I can’t say enough about it (so far)!

July 12th Some stats for today’s daily and high energy exercise!

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