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I’m trying to stay mindful of how grateful I should be and feel for my success so far! 82lbs lost which means I’m at 218lbs down from 300lbs.  Today, I can honestly see for the first time without squinting or glaring at my reflection that I am a smaller person.  It sure helped when a co-worker last week called me “F***ing HOT!” which is out of character (to a degree) for him and very cute! With that said, I’ve been slow in my weight loss since early July which is annoying but I recognize, great none the less!


I’m hoping for 100lbs for my wedding date but that means I’m 18lbs away with only 26 days left so I’m guessing that’s not a realistic or important goal but boy would it be nice!  So what am I doing you ask… well I’ve bumped up my FITBIT awareness with walking and increased my walking to mini jogging! As of last week, I’m aiming for 5 of 7 days a week of intense activity OR long walks.

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