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Well folks, here’s the Ottawa RPN 1 month post op follow up details20130530_083913

  1. I have been diagnosed with depression which explains my constant tiredness, foggy head and unclear thinking and lack of desire to do things I love like my job (which I’m not back at yet but dreading) and my crafts.
  2. My blood work came back great showing that vitamin and nutrient deficiency’s were NOT the cause of the symptoms and I’m doing well in those areas
  3. I CAN start other purposeful exercise like going back to curves and starting AQUAFIT!
  4. My only pain med allowed is Tylenol and prescribed narcotics but that’s it, FOREVER
  5. The severe pain I get in my left shoulder IS GAS PAIN – how odd is that!
  6. My main food focus while counting numbers is primarily proteins (not carbs/sugars/fats etc) but of course I need to be generally aware of not eating high fat or high processed sugar foods (which I do well)
  7. Drinking pre and post eating, I’ve had explained to me well now so I can try harder at it.  Pre meal drinking if it’s done too soon before a meal, fills you up and you won’t want food (bad).  Post meal drinking can flush the food through your body too quickly causing your body to absorb nothing from the food (nutrients) and causing you to feel hungry again too quickly.  I absolutely understand it all now.  I knew the rules but my brain needs to also understand why.
  8. My weight loss is at what’s known as the “high end” meaning I’m loosing a lot compared to an average.  My average is 6-7lbs a week and less loss is absolutely fine and acceptable by the clinics standards but I guess my body is doing well to cooperate!
  9. AND…because of my continued side effects, primarily the depression, I’m off until June 17th! I couldn’t be happier because I was so not ready for work yet (big smiles!)  I love my co-workers and miss them but couldn’t focus and be of any use if I wanted to for my families/clients so this is a win – win!

So, Kirk and I left very happy with the news and direction given today!  That should be my last visit to Ottawa as my file is now being transferred to Kingston.  I do really like the staff and support in Ottawa though but the drive is crazy!

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